I haven't posted in a very long time. Not only because I suck at this, but also because IkiWiki decided to stop working with OpenID, so I can't use the web interface any more to post.. Very annoying.
Already spent a good deal of time trying to find a solution, without any success.. I really don't want to migrate to another software again, but this is becoming a showstopper for me.
I'm logged into this site with openid, and thus it seems like ikiwiki still works with openid.
However, a lot of openid providers have shut down (e.g., Google), or frequently don't behave well. It's not incorrect to say that openid is being shut down in favour of Facecbook's and Google's own authentication methods, to the detriment of freedom.
It's unfortunate that Ikiwiki is caught in the mess.
Thanks for pointing that out. I had tried my startssl and stackexchange accounts and both failed with the same error.. I tried looking for a new provider, but as you say, they have all shut down!
It seems Yahoo is the last OpenID provider that works, which is no great consolation. I am using this test account, as I cannot even get a decent username there.
Having suffered the same problem, when certifi.ca shut down, I came across local-openid which is refreshingly simple.
One only runs it when actually logging in with OpenID, then adds the settings it suggests to the config file, re-runs it and you can log in. Once done, stop the program. For me that's all achieved via an ssh session, so I suppose that may be less helpful if one were hoping to do this from a phone while on the road.
You can add stuff to a page you control to use a name you prefer. I have used http://hands.com/~phil since using MyOpenID, then certifi.ca, and now local-openid.
This seems to describe the trick: http://smarterware.org/6286/how-to-set-up-openid-on-your-own-domain
Thanks Phil for the pointers!
Sadly, local-openid does not seem to be very suitable for what I need, and requires the installation of Ruby and Sinatra, which does not make me too happy. Same thing with SimpleID, which requires PHP...
About the custom URL, I have that already implemented, my ID used to be https://tincho.org/, but that does not allow me to control the data passed to the consumer -like name-, which is controlled ultimately by the OpenID provider.