"Ой у гаю, при Дунаю"/Oi u gaiu, pry Dunaiu, usually translated as "In a glade", is the title of a song I love. I first heard it about ten years ago, when I heard Milla's first album (she was not well known at the time, now she's quite popular because of her acting in many movies). It is a traditional Ukrainian folk song with a beautiful melody.
A few weeks ago, I wanted to hear that Milla record again, and then curiosity led me to search for the mysterious song. I found a different version in a slow rock tempo (Milla's version is in 3/4), that I recommend you to hear. That led me to the discovery of the The community music project, a group of people that record and edit music to later release it for free to friends and in the Internet. They have a lot of "world music" (I hate the term, but I don't know any other way of saying that), the musicians' quality varies, but there is some nice stuff to discover.
Forget it, there's no fucking way in hell to accomplish that.
The last 6 months of my life had been turned upside-down, it's too much work, too much pressure... My performance at the University (which was never too good) degraded, sometimes I took too much time from my paid work, not to mention the abandon of almost all my other Debian duties. That is enough to drive you nuts, but there's more: a couple of event at my jobs resulted in lots of overwork around March-April and even more in the last month... Sum all this up, and you find that the only way to keep doing things is to rob precious sleeping hours: to finish pending work, to prepare the exams, and from time to time to have a little fun.
The result is a grumpy mood, a aching back, and a tendency to get into arguments easily. My apologies to all the people that I mistreated, specially Marga, who's in a similar state of madness.
So I really hope that DC8 turn out to be a great conference, and that everybody will have a good time. So all this would be justified.
Dear lazyweb, I'm craving for one of these
niceties. But unfortunately in Argentina they are very expensive and not easy
to find (I think there's not any 'legal' channel to buy them currently). So,
anyone coming to DebConf from the States would be so kind as to bring me one of
They are small (72 × 128 × 14 mm) and lightweight (226 grams), and aren't so expensive as to be a big risk; I can buy it from here so you don't even have to lend the money for the time being. So if you want to help make a DebConf organiser happy, you know how :-). I can bribe in the form of a nice bbq at home, or a dinner at some restaurant.